All About Rachelle!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Going to School

Times flies. It has been more than 3 weeks since i started attending playgroup classes. Only the first day i didn't cry, i even went into the class happily with Chloe and took off my shoes on my own. I guess i wasn't sure what was in store for me then. However after that first day at school, i cried everyday. I cry when i am about to enter class and the teacher will always have to carry me in. I cry when i got dismissed from class, i am always in teacher's arms when the door opens.
Today mummy dropped me off at school, as usual when i am nearing the school i will automatically be a koala and hold onto mummy. I refused to come down and walk. Mummy assured me that all is well and gave me lollipops to share with Chloe. Then she even brought me to buy yakult before class starts. Surprisingly i did not put up a struggle when mummy passed me over to my teacher. I didn't cry today! I think i made a good improvement. When grandmother came to fetch me, i didn't cry too. I do get scare at times when going to school but i really hope i settle in real fast and not let daddy and mummy worry about me.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Separation Anxiety Starts now

It's been about 2 weeks since i started attending playgroup. Out of the 2 weeks, i missed school for youth day and 2 other days which i was sick. I am still learning to adapt going to school. I still cry when mummy hands me over to my teacher at the door and when i am waiting in line to go home. In between lessons, i will suddenly think of mummy and shed some tears. I guess it really take time getting used to this new change in my life. Mummy read from reports that separation anxiety starts from 18-24 mths and i am currently in this phase. Just today, i kept crying for mummy when i am at grandma's place. When i hope i will get better and be more independent when i hit 24 mths.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fun Time at ECP

See what a beautiful day it was at East Coast Park. ECP is polled as the happiest place in Singapore!
Mummy, Auntie Jaq and Me!
My family!

Playing with Janelle.
Just mummy and me.
I was at East Coast Park last Sunday with my parents and Auntie Jacqueline. Mummy wanted to cancel the pre-arranged beach outing initially as i just recovered from gastric flu. However she did not send out the message to Auntie Jacqueline as planned. So on Sunday morning, Auntie Jaq text ed mummy to meet at ECP at noon. Thus, we went ahead with the plan as mummy didn't want to "fly aeroplane".
The weather was perfect for a beach outing. Blue skies and white fluffy clouds. We had lunch at McDonald's and chilled out in the fast food joint for an hour or so. Then i went to take a kiddy ride before finding a shady spot under the coconut tree by the beach to lay out our "barang barangs".I was afraid of the sand and refused to walk on my own. Mummy and Auntie Jaq tried to coax me to try walking on the sandy patch. After some time and with the alluring beach spade, bucket, shovels, etc i decided to walk on my own and try out the beach toys on the sand. Then we headed out to the sea and touched the water. It was fun. I spent some time sitting by the beach and started digging. I was wet and the sand got all over me and i suddenly felt so dirty and screamed for help. I didn't want to play anymore and wanted mummy to carry me. Then mummy brought me to wash up at the public toilet. Then i sat on our beach mat and waited for Auntie Jaq's niece Janelle to come. She same shortly after and we started playing. The i saw her watering can and how much she was enjoying playing with sand and joined in.
Around 4 plus, daddy told us to pack up as we need to go home early to bathe before going out for dinner with my grandparents in the evening. On the way to the car park, we saw Auntie Shari and her friends. They were cycling in the park. But at that time, i was so dazed and could hardly focus. I slept within minutes when i got into the car.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

@ 21 months

Going 21 months:

All about me!

My current favourite cartoon character is "Mouse". He he.. i mean mickey and Minnie mouse. I love listening to their hot dog song and it never fails to get me on my feet to groove to the music. In fact i got mummy to buy me a mickey and a Minnie soft toys today. I refused to let go off the soft toys at the shop and held them tightly. Seeing that i wanted the toys so badly and i am unwell still, mummy relented and bought them for me.
Every weekday morning i will watch the wiggles DVD or the Chinese kid songs DVD before going to school. I can even sing along with some of the songs, emphasizing loudly on some of the lyrics of the songs. I ever changed the DVDs on my own and surprised mummy and daddy. They couldn't believe i knew how to operate that machine.
Up to date, i still cry whenever i get to the door at my school. I couldn't bear to part away from mummy. When mummy picks me up after school, i sometimes cry to seek sympathy from her so i can get away from going to school totally. Whenever someone asks me if i want to go to school, i will shake my head.
I have added a lot more vocabulary in my speech. I am also trying to string my words into a longer sentence instead of just one or two words. I am speaking more Chinese than English and grandma also taught me her dialect - Hakka. I am able to pronounce the words pretty accurately.
I can put on and take off my shoes. I used to wear my shoe on the wrong foot but i am now so much better at it. I wear my shoes right almost every time now and makes mummy proud of me.
At the playground, i can play on my own on the slide. I have learned to climb up the stairs to take the slide without mummy helping me. I enjoy playing the slide a lot.
I love to have noodles, hor fun, udon, etc. I am less interested in porridge and rice. I like meat in my meals and i simply loves hard boiled eggs. I take my greens and fruits well.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Sick Sick Sick

I've only attended 4 days of school and i'm sick. Mummy is keeping me away from school for today and tomorrow. I woke up this morning and puked a little on myself and mummy. Mummy quickly washed me up and sat me back on my mattress while she cleaned herself up. Then i threw up even more and daddy got up to quickly clean me up again while mummy was in the shower. Then mummy gave me some water and not long after, i puked again. Seeing that it wasn't just a simple case of vomiting through overeating , daddy decided to send me to the doc. Luckily daddy hasn't left for work so he drove us to see my PD at AMK Spore Baby & Child Clinic. Upon arriving at the doc's, i threw up away and all over mummy. We both smell really bad when we reached the clinic. Surprisingly, there was no queue at the clinic and i got to see the doc immediately after registration. I was suspected to suffer from some sort of intestinal virus. The doc advised mummy to give me just milk, water and juices bit by bit and monitor me closely so i don't get dehydrated. I was having a slight fever too. Mummy and daddy are told to keep their hands clean after handling me to prevent the infectious virus from spreading to them. PD also told mummy that i might be having diarrhoea at a later stage. True enough i did have diarrhoea twice today. On the way back, i threw up several times. I was feeling lousy every time i threw up and got pretty cranky. After cleaning up, i was back to my active self again. I really hate taking the medicine. The only medicine i took without fussing is paracetamol. The rest i took a sip and rejected it. Mummy had a hard time coaxing me to take my medicine. Mummy tried feeding me glucose and soy milk. I rejected both. I started getting suspicious whenever she hands me a bottle. After some rest tonight, i do hope i will wake up fine and my vomiting and diarrhoea will stop. Pray for me!

Friday, July 2, 2010

2nd day of school

The weather is so hot today, to prevent mummy and myself from "melting" by the time we reached school on foot, we are taking the bus. Most probably we will taking the bus to school from today onwards. 20mins walk to the school under the sweltering heat is no joke. I don't wanna risk getting a heat stroke besides the awful tan i may be getting as well.
All was well and i was feeling happy on the way to school. However when i was about to enter the class, i cried for mummy to carry me. I clung onto her tightly and refused to let go. My teacher came and carried me over from mummy. Several other kids were crying today. Most are the Indian kids, i think about 2-3 of them. They were wailing. I was crying. Mummy stayed outside my school and waited for 10 mins to see if i have stop crying before leaving. Luckily i did stop crying after a while then she felt assured and left the school. One of my classmate is celebrating his birthday today and i got a goodies bag from him. When mummy came to fetch me after school, i was in my teacher's arms. I was crying and my teacher carried me to console me. It didn't help when i saw so many people coming to fetch me today. Both Grandmothers are here and so were gugu and shu shu. After some consolation, i managed to stop crying and then Caris came running over to fetch Chloe and me and i gave a Happy squeak and started feeling happy again. After that shu shu drove us to have lunch at "Bai Mee Fen" coffee shop.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

School starts!

Me in my school uniform.
Smiling so happily cos I'm a big girl now, i am going to school.
Getting ready to go for my class.
Classmate cum cousin : Chloe, Schoolmate : Trysten.
Taking my shoes off on my own.
Little Ozone @ OCC. $7 for 1 hour (NTUC Member)
Indoor Playground at Orchid Country Club.
Holding onto the pillar for balance.
Trying to stick my head into the balls like an ostrich.

A very big ball pit with very colorful balls.
Climbing and more climbing up the steps.
What's is auntie Alicia doing down there?
Hey, get this rope out of my face!
Opps! Mummy please help me, i am kinda stucked.
Exploring the tunnels at one section of the playground.
Going down the slide on my own. Whee!!
Going down the slide together with Trysten, this is really scary but fun cos we go down the slide at great speed.
I kept running to this area to sanitize my hands despite repeated warnings from mummy not to play with the hand sanitizer. : p

Today is the 1st day I'm attending school at Kindercom Educare. Auntie Alicia gave us a ride to school as she was on the way to pick up Trysten who enrolled in the same school but in the morning class. I was looking forward to school and i asked to carry my Minnie mouse school bag on my own to school. I was so happy to see Chloe, Da Yi and Grandma outside the school. When it was time for us to enter the classroom, Chloe led me in. Then i followed her and sat down to take off my shoes. All this time, mummy was outside the class and i didn't even say bye bye to her. I merely followed Chloe in and followed what she did. Mummy went for lunch with auntie Alicia and fetch me when my class ended. Mummy was a few minutes late and i was the last 3 to be dismissed, i started to cry. Later mummy found out from my teacher that i did cry once in a while during the class but as it's my 1st day of school, it is considered good already. After my class, we went to Orchid Country Club with Auntie Alicia, Trysten and Auntie Grace. We went to Little Ozone, a indoor playground to have some fun time.